/usr/bin/env: âbash\râ: No such file or directory
This is a line endings issue, but not from Ubuntu. Make sure you do have node and npm installed correctly by using the command:
sudo apt install nodejs npm
Then stop Windows path variables being shared with WSL by editing the /etc/wsl.conf file in WSL. If the file doesn't exist, execute sudo touch /etc/wsl.conf first. Edit the file with the command sudo nano /etc/wsl.conf and add the following configuration:
# Wsl.conf
appendWindowsPath = false
Then restart WSL2 with command wsl --shutdown in Windows(Powershell or CMD).
Source: stackoverflow.com
bash: /usr/bin/ng: No such file or directory
alias ng="/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@angular/cli/bin/ng"
Source: stackoverflow.com
usr/bin/env: ânodeâ: No such file or directory
ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
Source: stackoverflow.com
/usr/bin/env: âbash\râ: No such file or directory
# The error message suggests that the script you're invoking has embedded \r characters,
# which in turn suggests that it has Windows-style \r\n line endings instead of the \n-only
# line endings bash expects.
# As a quick fix, you can remove the \r chars. as follows:
sed $'s/\r$//' ./install.sh > ./install.Unix.sh
Source: stackoverflow.com
env: sh\r: No such file or directory
Go inside android directory and run:
dos2unix ./gradlew
Source: codegrepper